
If ever there was a poetic fruit, pears are it. Possibly pomegranates, strawberries, peaches, grapes, and certainly mangoes. Well, there goes the plug for my poetic pear.

About me

I'm a mom through and through.  Nearly everything else is secondary.  That being said, there are other things I do/am.  The "else" includes christian, friend, sister, teacher, baby-lover, cook, cleaner, jeweler, reader, painter, photo-taker (photographer would mean I'm really good, and I'm not...yet), NOT a seamstress (I remembered that when I tried to sew gifts this year), um... I'm sure I'm something else, too, but like I said, it's all secondary! 

So why this site? Do I love food that much?  Well, yes and no.  I do love to eat food.  I even like to make food.  But I am in NO way a gourmet cook. (Although one day I'd love to add that to my list of things I'm going to be.) I needed a place where I could access my recipes whenever I wanted.  My need for a recipe could hit at the most inopportune time.  I could be sitting there, playing a word game, when all of the sudden I get the urge to make my sister-in-law's famous hot fudge!  I mean I've got to be prepared for a hot fudge emergency!  (Of course, chances are if I'm playing a word game, it will be with said sister-in-law, but that is totally beside the point)  From hot fudge to orange chicken, I want to be able to find my recipes no matter where I am.  This is my solution.

And of course, I'm a generally nice person, so I couldn't help but share.  Feel free to share your recipes, thoughts, successes and failures!  All the artwork and photos on this site are mine, so please be considerate regarding them.  Also, if you want to share a recipe, feel free, but please do it through the link here.  Thanks!  Oh yes, if you see an error, please let me know, then I won't be embarrassed when I find the error has been on here for 10+ years. You can contact me here:


Kudos to food, family, and to you!

Annie R.